
 Georgia (16 electoral votes)

(Biden won over Trump by 11,779 votes)

1--Video (13 min, 49 secs.)

Fulton County, Georgia--ballot stuffing caught on security cameras; Women counting the same reams of ballots numerous times; coinciding with spike in Biden votes. Incontrovertible proof of election fraud in the 2020 presidential election in Geogia. Video:

Election Cheating 2020--Exhibit A (

2--Video  (6min 28sec.)

Testimony of Susan Voyles, poll manager in Fulton County, Georgia; with 20 years' experience in election monitoring. She and a coworker discover a box containing a stack of identical, pristine absentee ballots, (as if run off on a copy machine.)

98% of the ballots were marked for Biden and Harris. Only a few ballots for Donald Trump and one for Jorgensen. 


Rumble Election Cheating--Exibit E--Georgia - Perfect Batch of Absentee Ballots 98% for Biden! (

3.--Video (1hr 27min)

Susan Voyles is only one of several people who testify to seeing stacks of mail-in ballots--pristine, without creases, and all identically marked for Biden.  Here are thirteen testimonies from witnesses to election irregularities in the Georgia 2020 election.  All have signed written testimonies under penalty of perjury.


4--Article from Judicial Watch:  

'Over 4,700 of Georgia's Absentee Votes in November 2020 Election tied to Non-Residential Addresses.'  

Georgia law requires voters to register with residential addresses.

5.--Video Report (56min 34sec.) 

Georgia Election Fraud Report 2020  Published July 16, 2022 

This report goes into depth of anomalies in the Georgia 2020 election that were never investigated by the Secretary of State's office.

Trump's claims of a "rigged election" are



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